Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Proud Parents

So.... the nursery is coming along great!  I've been stressing like crazy about what I was going to put on the wall that I painted that really pretty purple.  I needed something to go right above the crib and couldn't think of what I wanted. There was a wall-decal that I found on Etsy through Pinterest that I really, really liked, but it was like $65.00 for it! Geez, I'm already having a baby, and these peole expect me to hand over an arm and a leg to them too for some plastic that sticks on a wall? I don't think so!

So I began searching for other options.  I'm not exactly a "decorator" so I always end up second guessing myself a lot.  But, I was in Hobby Lobby one day and saw a very cute wall decal that fit the colors of the nursery, and it was on sale for $15.00 down from $30.00! On top of that, there were two of them sitting there. I decided to hold off on buying it, however, because I promised Pac I would take a break from the nursery for a little while, while we focused on saving up. I thought "Oh, I'm sure it'll still be here..." Yeah right! Turns out, I was going back to Hobby the next day with Paxton's mom, and sure enough, the two that were sitting there, were now gone! The next freakin' day?!?! C'mon now...

So, I decided to design my OWN wall decal, and make a stencil for it, and just paint it on the wall.  This is what my design turned out to be...

I was so flippin' proud of this. As I began getting ready to make the stencil, I realized "This is going to be more expensive, and more stressful than simply buying one..." Dang it! Shut down again.

So a few weeks later, I went back into Hobby Lobby (looking for inspiration) and saw the $15.00 wall decal back on it's shelf. PLUS, there was another one that was the same purple and green colors that could go on the other wall that isn't painted purple.  It too was on sale, so I thought "Yeah... this is what I'm doing."  So I bought them both. 

Paxton helped me put them up, and this is how they turned out...

This is the cute tree with the adorable little birdies... 

And this cute design is right above where the changing table is.

The lighting is a little dark, but you get the idea. So, slowly but surely, her room is getting there.

In addition to our new addition, our puppy is making some good headway on the learning front.  Before you know it, we will have so many posts about our little girl on here, it's going to make you SICK, but for now, you can get sick at how proud we are of our little Boomer. He played fetch with a frisbee for the first time last week. Here is how it went....

Attempt #1- He runs with the frisbee up in his face so
he can't see...

Attempt #2- Well, that we caught on video anyway.
We were actually doing this for like 45 mins. He's
getting closer!

SUCCESS! I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting this
to happen on his first time playing frisbee. I love how he
comes down on his back legs so wabbly. He was
really tired by this time.

Lastly, Boom made his first ever trip to a local dog park.  It took him about 20 minutes to figure out who he wanted to be friends with, but once he found this dog, they were best buds!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Getting Ready....

Well, we officially have a "start" to a nursery.  I painted the walls last week (holy cow, that's hard to do with a baby inside the tummy!)  My back hurt so badly each night after I was done.  Luckily I did it in two days.  And Pac only had to hear me complain about it for two days. :)  We've finally gotten the crib and dresser set up, and I love the bedding! You can't really tell, but the wall behind the crib is a very pretty purple color. It's almost a pastel, but just dark enough to be bold as well. It compliments the cherry hugh that is in the furniture.

Almost done!!!

Finishing up the crib...

Boomer loves cardboard. Or anything stiff that he could possibly rip apart. He found a little cardboard booklet attached to the front piece of the crib and went to town. At least he was finally focused on something! 

So, this picture stinks. But, it's the show more of the contrast in color. 

Here is the crib against the wall. This work is definitely still in progress! But, at least I can take a break from it for a month or so and just relax. Just a couple more months of teaching....

We've had some requests for baby bump pics.  Here you go! I hope they are all they're cracked up to be! I've tried hard to get a pic for each month, and so far I've done well! The bigger I get though, the more picky I am about making sure it's a good picture.  Call me vain, I don't care. I'm pregnant. lol!

1 Month. Awkward Face. "Is the flash on honey?"

2 Months.  I thought to myself..."how cute would it be if I wore the same outfit in all of the pregnant by month pics we take?!"  After realizing I'd have to change out of what i was already wearing that day, I quickly did not care anymore about this idea. So, that's why Month 1 and 2 look the exact same. I promise, I did not take them in the same night.

3 Months.  We had just gotten home from Pac's Family Christmas party, so if I look tired, it's cause I definitely am. I remember leaving early cause my body had had enough. I'm still not showing very much at this point, but it was still worth it to take the pic.

This pic is my epic fail. Especially because it's the one that's the cutest so far! I should be holding up a 4, but apparently my brain had something else in mind.

This is ACTUALLY what I looked like at 4 months.

I messed up on my 4 month pic the first time we took it, and accidentally held up a 5 instead of a 4.  It works out though cause it's cute and currently my FB pic. We re-took it, and that's the one in the yellow, but I'm acutally like 4.5 months in the real one. We are also headed to a Superbowl party, and I may have checked appetizer we were bringing to make sure it wasn't poisoned ;) I'll add more pictures later.  I'll tell you this though, this little girl is already determined to make her presence known!!! Let's see, feeling a baby move inside you? Yup, best, feeling, ever.

Pac is going to be out of town this week. I joke with him that it's like I'm single again for the days that he's gone.  It feels like it anyway!!! He has a 20 Group meeting is Montana for work. Yeah... Montana.... lucky him right? I hope it's not too cold!  On top of the fact that he's going to Montana and not some warm state like California or Florida, this is the week during the year that he usually goes down to Las Vegas and watches the Nascar race.  He Looooves Nascar!  I feel so bad he doesn't get to go (I don't go cause I most likely wouldn't enjoy it as much.) But ya gotta do what ya gotta do!  Wish him luck!!!!