Sunday, July 15, 2012

Everleigh is here!!!

We are sooooo happy and very proud to announce the birth of our incredible little girl, Everleigh Klaire Jensen.  She was born June 23, 2012 at 2:32 in the afternoon. She weighed 8 lbs 7 oz, and was 21.5 inches long. She is doing great, and slowly getting the hang of life outside Mommy's tummy.

My due date had ben June 28th throughout the pregnancy.  At my last Dr.'s appt, he said he would schedule me for an induction on the night of June 24th, and we'd have the baby on June 25th.  That whole week leading upt o that, I was determined to do anything I could to get Evie to come without coaxing.  Not that I care necessarily, but for some reason, I wanted my water to break naturally.

I started having intense contractions at about 4:30pm on June 22, but didn't want to make too much of it, seeing as how I didn't know how bad they could have gotten.  We went swimming at Pac's parent's home with the family that night the whole while I was having contractions.  By the time we got home and into bed, I was ready for it.  I got up at about 2:30am to use the restroom, and had a sign that things were definitely moving forward with labor, but not enough to take any rash action.  An hour later, at 3:30am, I had to get up again to use the restroom, only this time, my water broke!  I said to myself "Well, okay then."  I walked over to Pac who was still sleeping and said "Honey, I know this isn't the most convinient time, but we need to go to the hospital because I think my water just broke."  Pac THREW himself out of bed, and was in immediate action mode.  We got everything we needed together, and headed for the hospital.

As we were checking in, I barely shifted in the chair I was sitting in, and BOOM, there went the rest of my water.  Kind of awkward. They got us up to labor and delivery super fast, where I only had to brave the contractions for about 3 hours until I was dilated to a 3. My epidural came super fast, and made my life heavenly. I progressed rather quickly (although I lost all track of time that morning, and am still working to get it back) and she came at 2:30 in the afternoon.

My doctor missed the delivery by one hour. His colleague had to deliver me.  He was out of town, but alas, when Evie decided to come, she was set in her way.

Recovery has been difficult, but I'm doing lots better.  Pac and I, along with Everleigh are doing great!  Thank you to all our friends who have brought us dinner, and stopped by to visit us. Here are some pictures, and an adorable video that my in-laws made for us.