Friday, September 30, 2011

...First time for everything...

We have learned that Boomer has taken a liking to Sprinklers.  This was his first ever interaction with one at my in-law's house. We often take him on walks to the nearby Charter School and let him off his leash for a bit so he can run around.  Well,  sometimes when we get there, the Sprinklers are on.  These Sprinklers are much more powerful that the one in this video, but does that scare our dog?! I think not! He's a wuss when it comes to loud or abrupt sounds, but his naivity could be mistaken for fearlessness more often than not.
Whenever he sees a sprinkler, I know his inner monologue must be saying "Yeah!!!! Sprinklers! Today just got good!" It's a good thing he's easily bathed and groomed.

It took him awhile to figure out the concept of fetch.  I'd throw something, and he'd either lose track of where it went, or just look at me like "What, and...?"  We're happy he's finally got it figured out.