Saturday, October 15, 2011

Paxton was gone...

Paxton was out of town this week on a business trip to Michigan.  Usually when he's out of town, I have to keep myself super busy, but luckily this time, I was plenty busy! One such example is that I
 recently took a quick trip to Salt Lake to get some pictures for a project that we are doing
for the Young Women in our ward (I work with the 12 & 13 year old girls).  I wanted to post some of these because I love how they turned out. It makes for some good pinning on Pinterest too!
I post my business photography on my photography blog.  If you'd like to see the photog page, you can get to it here

This first one is the statue of Joseph and Emma Smith.  It seemed no matter where I stood, or how I moved my camera, I couldn't get the building in the background to not look like it was a cousin to the leaning tower of pizza. lol! I just resolved to say it was the building and not me. lol!

The handles on the SLC Temple are famous. This was the main picture for our project.

To me, this embodies the entire concept and/or idea of what motherhood is.

I love me some sun flare!!! 

Again, for some reason I couldn't get a shot that wasn't tilted, but I love it anyway. I've seen many pictures of the reflection of the temple in the reflection pool, but now I'm glad I have my own.
So pwetty.

 "Aspire Higher." A good reminder to stick to the things in your life that make you the most happy.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a blog friend. I will be adding you to my blog reel... I know that makes you excited:) Feel free to check ours out, but forgive my crazy slacking! I just finished posting for July. Sigh. Maybe someday I will be a better blogger.
