Monday, October 29, 2012

October in a nutshell...

So, we took a trip with Pac's side of the fam to Nebraska to watch our cute little Molly get baptized. How much fun was this trip!?!  We went to this CRAZY "Pumpkin Patch."  I put in in quotes, because it was basically an amusement park (without roller coasters, but there was a train ride...) centered around anything and everything fall. It was crazy fun. These pics are a little out of order, but whatever, you get the idea. :)

Pac got his Homer on. 

 Family outings are different with a baby!

My little Pumpkin.
Such a happy girl!
 Travelling 15 hours in an RV. Oh yeah,  this is the way to travel. This is on our way out to Nebraska.
 Grandma Kathy bought Evie this adorable little hat to keep her little ears warm.
 A little Daddy-Daughter time while travelling.
"Mom, I'm tired now."
Paxton has been out of town practically all month long.
After our trip to Nebreaska, Paxton left for a work trip out to Chicago. He was there for 4 days, and was able to come back one day before he had to leave again for Canada for a week. Me and the little one have really been missing Daddy. So glad he's home again!
In between Paxton's trips, on the ONLY day we had him in town before Halloween, we were able to take our yearly and very traditional trip to our local pumpkin patch in Farmington.  It was windy as all get out, so although a short trip, it was still fun to have Evie take her first trip to the Pumpkin Patch with us.

 It was SOOOO windy!!! She would gasp because it would take her breath away.


 Next item of business, Pumpkin Carving and Halloween!!!! Yeah! Pac will be a rough ridin' biker with tatoo's, I'm going to be the "We Can Do It" lady from WWII ads, and Evie will be a ladybug. Pics coming soon!

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